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Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.

That is definitely the motto for the month.

In case you didnt know, I made it to Romania! Barely. But we made it.

We left the US on Thursday at 4pm, then at midnight the US was moved from yellow to red for covid cases. That means that if our flight out of Atlanta had been delayed past midnight, we wouldn’t have been admitted into Romania at all. So we just beraly made it into the country. It is absolutely a miracle that we are here.

The day after we arrived, we had a few people spike fevers and had a few covid cases, so the whole squad is in lock down for 14 days. Everyone is doing well and on the mend, but this is most definitely not how we expected our first two weeks of ministry to look. Being stuck in the “mild symptoms room” myself, it has been an adjustment.

In response to these unexpected obstacles, we have devoted this time to intercession and prayer for the community around us. Craiova is only .5% Christian and it is the home to one of the world’s largest witchcraft populations and gatherings. This area has endured poverty and corrupt leaders dating back to the ottoman empire. This has lead to a populace that has difficulties trusting and doesn’t hold a long term perspective on life. This makes building a church that is built for the people and trying to save people With a life commitment quite challenging.

All in all this time of prayer has been a lesson in patience and perseverance and it has taught me a daily surrender of my expectations and comfort.

Now for the finances!!!

Currently, I only have $4,700 left to raise!!!
I still can’t believe that the lord has provided $14,065 already and I have that he will provide again.
If you are feeling called to donate don’t be intimidated by the large sum, every dollar counts so even if you can only give a dollar, it will be much appreciated. Also, remember that all donations are fully tax deductible!

4 responses to “Blessed are the Flexible.”

  1. Challenging indeed! Fight the good fight, sister. Lifting you and your team up to our Great Healer!

  2. Praying for you and your team!! So thankful He kept the door open for you guys to be able to leave – His timing is so perfect ?? stay strong and prayers for healing!!

  3. So grateful that your symptoms are mild, Madison. You sound good; upbeat, positive, and still seeking Kingdom. Praying for you and for your squad to have a quick recovery and to accomplish God’s purposes during quarantine!

  4. “Hello…?”
    Good to be reminded that our arduous endurance had a purpose. It is invaluable to consider our suffering as temporal as our minds can stand to make it… thank you for facilitating that belief as I read this.